Attendance Presentation Attendance Presentation District Attendance Presentation Show Transcript hello Southwest ISD elementary students we are here to learn about attendance for the 2023 to 2024 school year let's get right into it what are some reasons why you don't attend school I feel so sick I missed the bus I don't want to go was raining or cold I woke up late or went to bed Lee nobody woke me up my alarm didn't go off my parents didn't wake up no one really cares the 90% rule in addition to the compulsory attendance law there is 90% law in order to receive credit for the final grade of a Class A student is required to attend class 90% of the daisy classes offered regardless of whether the student absences are excused or unexcused if the student does not meet this requirement the stew you must go through the attendance recovery process if the student drops below 90% but its hands class at least 75% of the days the class is offered the student may earn credit for the class by completing a plan approved by the principal onyx used absences reasons that are not considered acceptable excuses for absenteeism from school include taking care of a sibling or parent not enrollment days which are days the student is not in school due to change schools traveling out of town to visit Russia or vacationing with family and church Retreats camps mission trips and individual religious rights such as baptism christenings Barnett's was excetera are not considered holy days there for these events are considered unexcused excused absences religious holidays Court appearances to include US citizenship ceremonies citizenship proceedings Health Care appointments excuse required serious or life-threatening illness higher education visits military dependents family funerals school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activities and parent Guardians notes of absence must be submitted to campus consequences for unexcused absences lower grades or failing grades loss of credit in class possibility of not meeting UIL eligibility standards for all extracurricular programs such as basketball football volleyball soccer band mariachi no play is the uir policy possibility of not being promoted to the next grade due to attendance possibility of having to attend attendance Credit Recovery or 10 summer school parents are students who have frequent unexcused absences are subject to elevated levels of truancy action the truancy process the following are steps that need to be followed by everyone to ensure students are provided every opportunity to improve their attendance and academic success are you warning letter for three unexcused absences if no warning letter the process stops here a home visit if parent contact has proven successful attendance contract implemented only some of the campuses abatement hearing for five unexcused absences you must have a campus administrator involved and multiple attempts a required follow-up must be documented mediation hearings for plus I excused absences a hearing will be held at the San Antonio Municipal Court Court filing and the court is at the San Antonio Municipal Court absenteeism prevention it takes a team from your family it takes your pet siblings grandparents uncles aunts and legal Guardians to help make sure that you are at school on time and present at school you have your tpal counselors social workers administrators teachers restorative code is an SW cares all of us care about you coming to Southwest Ice-T each and every day your community University Health Center Central Med booster clubs after school program churches Hill Country karate martial arts and Training Center the play after school program colleges and universities as a whole your family your school and your community care about attendance attempt to win throughout September all campuses activities to promote a tenant awareness and Improvement be on the lookout for these exciting activities and attendance incentives at Southwest ISD and don't forget attendance matters thank you for joining us if you have any questions please feel free hate to reach out to be listed individuals and admins and tpals listed on the slide here please feel free to ask any questions and make sure you come to school, ready to learn and come early to be part of Southwest ISD and we are Southwest